Wednesday 20 July 2011

An Introduction...

First off, since the day I could talk... There was no turning back! Forever, I will be known as the chatty redhead. And for a long time I remember thinking it was a negative thing! My teachers would make me sit on my hands (I talk with my hands), send me out in the hallway for a "time out" (to which I would talk to the hall wanderers), and make me stand in front of the class to profess what I was saying in "silence" to "embarrass" me (little did they know, most of the time I was okay with the entire class knowing!). Like I said, there was really no way to stop it. I have always loved to read, write, text, email, chat and talk on the phone for hours on end. Communication is my lifeline through love, life, family, and friends! I have moved many times and through this "Chatty Kathy" persona I have embodied, I have been fortunate to stay in contact with the people I have met along the way. 

Through the years, I have found that this love of communication has stemmed from a general love and interest in the people I enjoy this beautiful life with.

 I have always had many friends and because of the interest I show in the lives of my peers, I am always being asked for advice. Guys and girls alike. Many of my friends, like myself, are ALWAYS confused with the opposite sex. I often have my guy friends ask for advice on their girlfriends and vice versa. Truthfully, I enjoy it too. 

So, the birth of "Ginger Snaps". The advice, or sometimes articles, I have or will come across that may come as help and understanding to fellow readers. I will gather information from such places like Cosmopolitan, Maxim,, friends, family or books that artists have already wrote. A "What He Needs To Know/What She Needs To Know" about the opposite sex. A compilation of answers! I hope anything or everything you find upon reading my blog will assist you in this adventure we call life!

Kaila Kenyon

*NOTE... ALL that is written is STRICTLY an OPINION of myself or whomever it has been written by. It is only an observation and should not be taken in an absolution or replacement but an addition to your own thoughts and ideas :)

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