Sunday 24 July 2011

Men ARE NOT complicated... Women are!

I have innumerable times heard girl friends complain endlessly about how complicated guys are! In truth, I am guilty as well. Sadly, I hate to disagree, but men are not in the least complicated. In fact, guys are so non-complicated that to us we think "there must be more to the story!" Unfortunately, there is not. Most of the time, when a guy says something, more times than not, he genuinely means it. 

Guys are actually quite simple, WE are the complicated ones. We over-analyze the subject. A lot of the time we think of all the outcomes, the contingencies, and the "what ifs." American author and columnist Dave Barry quoted "The whole point is guys are not thinking much. They are just what they appear to be. Tragically." When a guy says he's tired, he's just tired. There's usually not a reason behind it, other than he's simply tired. 

Here is the reasoning behind the theory. Men's intrinsic needs and desires NEVER change – ours change drastically on a regular basis because of one simple thing: our emotions. I actually feel as though I am throwing women under the bus here, but we are most commonly driven by emotions. They change from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. Ladies, have you ever wrote an email one day, sent it, then read it the next day or years later and thought "what was i thinking?" I would be lying if I said that I hadn't. We tend to do things impulsively, rather than calm ourselves, then make a decision. When we are waiting endlessly for a response (analyzing every moment) men are simply thinking of the most logical retort. 

Men, more commonly depend on their logic. Not to say men don't waver on their decisions with a small amount of emotion. However, it usually falls back to the more logical decision. In conclusion Ladies, remember the next time you decide to dissect a man, ask yourself how much you have changed and how much he has changed?

Kaila Kenyon

*NOTE... ALL that is written is STRICTLY an OPINION of myself or whomever it has been written by. It is only an observation and should not be taken in an absolution or replacement but an addition to your own thoughts and ideas :)

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